share your experience and

get a free course of your choice!

Submit a video sharing your experience with DNCR Academy and pick a FREE DNCR course of your choice from:

share your experience and

get a free course of your choice!

Submit a video sharing your experience with DNCR Academy and pick a FREE DNCR course of your choice from:

submit your video

We want to hear about your experience with DNCR Academy!

To claim your free course, record a simple video with your phone or camera, talking about how it's been being a member of DNCR Academy.

Some possible topics:

Also, a few tips for filming:

After that, just submit your video below, along with your name and email.

Once our team reviews and approves your video (just to make sure it's not spam), you'll receive an email from about how to claim your free course!

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We use your email to give you access! Never to spam you :)